Mall of the Wild by Transnational Temps
Play the game inspired by Magritte.
Identify wildlife merchandise and help to map the world after nature.

Equipped with an urban safari map, you can play the Mall of the Wild game spotting the fake wildlife around you. With other youthful naturalists you’ll discover dozens of products that coopt images, forms and fur patterns from wild animals. You can also participate online through a smart phone app written especially for Digital Zoo. Use it to join the culture jamming fun by snapping photos of animal products that are reproducing faster than their wild cousins. Via social networks the app lets you share your shots, framed like oil paintings, with captions like “Ceci n’est pas un tigre.” By documenting the superabundance of commercial ‘wildlife’ you’ll not only be adding to an online trophy collection – you’ll be raising the profile of related conservation efforts.


A Wildlife Safari at Trinity Leeds Shopping Centre
Open or Close14-23 February 2014 – Trinity Leeds, Yorkshire
A Wildlife Safari at Lewisham Shopping Centre, London...
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A Wildlife Safari at Bridges, Sunderland
Open or Close23 May - 01 June 2014 – The Bridges, Sunderland
A Wildlife Safari at The White Rose, Leeds...
Open or Close29 August - 07 September 2014 – The White Rose, Leeds
A Wildlife safari at The O2 Centre, London...
Open or Close12 September - 21 September 2014 – O2 Centre, Finchley Road - London
Get the app!
Thanks to the Belgian artist René Magritte many people know when a pipe is not a pipe. With Mall of the Wild, Transnational Temps alerts the public to mind the gap between real animals and animal imagery that has become so common on screens, toys, furniture, bags, and even food. The world of images is teeming with animals, but in the service of marketing they seldom remind us of their troubles and struggles to survive mass extinction. Now, equipped with an urban safari map, you can play the timed Mall of the Wild game spotting the fake wildlife around you. With other youthful naturalists you'll discover dozens of products that use animal representations. You can also participate online through a smart phone app written especially for Digital Zoo. Use it to join the culture jamming fun, snapping photos of animal products that are reproducing faster than their wild cousins. Via social networks the app lets you share your shots, framed like oil paintings, with captions like "Ceci n'est pas un tigre." By documenting the superabundance of commercial 'wildlife' you'll not only be adding to an online trophy collection – you'll be raising the profile of related conservation efforts.